Earthquake engineering handbook

Chen, Wai-Fah

Earthquake engineering handbook - páginas - Papel

Base isolation, cap.17 Bridges, cap.18 Building code provisions for seismic resistance, cap.11 Buried pipelines, cap.23 Dams and appurtenant facilities, cap.26 Developing an earthquake mitigation program, cap.34 Dynamics of structures, cap.3 Earthquake risk management an overview, cap.2 Earthquakes a historical perspective, cap.1 Earthquakes, seismogenesis, measurement and distribution, cap.4 Electrical power systems, cap.25 Emergency planning, cap.33 Engineering models of strong ground motion, cap.5 Equipment and systems, cap.20 Fire following earthquakes, cap.29 Geotechnical and foundation aspects, cap.7 Hazzardous materials, earthquakes-caused incidents and mitigation approaches, cap.30 Human impacts of earthquakes, cap.28 Insurance and financial risk transfer, cap.32 Lifeline seismic risk, cap.22 Loss estimation, cap.31 Port structures, cap.27 Precast and tilt-up buildings, cap.14 Reinforced concrete structures, cap.13 Seismic behavior, design and retrofitting of masonry, cap.16 Seismic design of steel structures, cap.12 Seismic hazard analysis, cap.8 Seismic vulnerability, cap.21 Simulation modeling of strong ground motion, cap.6 Soil-structure interaction, cap.10 Structural control, cap.19 Tsunami and seiche, cap.9 Water and wastewater systems, cap.24 Wood structures, cap.15


Ingenieria de terrenos

R / 624.1762/E177E