Irrigation principles and practices
- 416 páginas
- Papel
Basic soil-water relations, cap.3 Consumptive use of water, cap.7 Conveyance of irrigation and drainage water, cap.12 Drainage of irrigated lands, cap.15 Flow of water into and through soils, cap.5 Irrigation implements and structures, cap.11 Irrigation, worldwide, cap.1 Legal and administrative aspects of irrigation and drainage, cap.17 Measurement of soil moisture, cap.4 Pumping water for irrigation and drainage, cap.14 Salt problems in soil and water, cap.6 Sources and storage of irrigation water, cap.2 Sprinkler and trickle irrigation, cap.9 Surface and subsurface irrigation, cap.10 Water measurement, cap.16 Wells for irrigation water, cap.13 When to irrigate, how much water to apply, cap.8