Marion, Jerry
Physics for science and engineering
- 2 volúmenes
- Papel
Angular momentum and the dynamics of systems, cap.10 v.1 Applications of newtons laws, cap.6 v.1 Atoms, cap.47 v.2 Capacitance and dielectrics, cap.30 v.2 Circuits with time-varying currents, cap.38 v.2 Current and resistance, cap.31 v.2 Dc circuites, cap.32 v.2 Deformations of solids, cap.16 v.1 Diffraction, cap.43 v.2 Dynamics of rigid bodies, cap.12 v.1 Electric charge, cap.27 v.2 Electric potential, cap.29 v.2 Electromagnetic induction, cap.35 v.2 Electromagnetic waves, cap.38 v.2 Fluid dynamics, cap.18 v.1 Forces and potential energy, cap.8 v.1 Forces in equilibrium, cap.13 v.1 Geometrical optics, cap.41 v.2 Gravitation and planetary motion, cap.14 v.1 Inductance and magnetic materials, cap.36 v.2 Interference, cap.42 v.2 Introduction, cap.1 v.1 Kinematics in two and three dimensions, cap.4 v.1 Kinematics of linear motion, cap.2 v.1 Kinetic theory, cap.24 v.1 Light, cap.40 v.2 Linear momentum, cap.9 v.1 Mechanical energy and work, cap.7 v.1 Mechanical waves, cap.19 v.1 Optical instruments, cap.45 v.2 Oscilatory motion, cap.15 v.1 Polarized light, cap.44 v.2 Quanta, waves and particles, cap.46 v.2 Radiating systems, cap.39 v.2 Rotation of rigid bodies, cap.11 v.1 Sound, cap.20 v.1 Sources of magnetic fields, cap.34 v.2 Special relativity, cap.21 v.1 Static fluids, cap.17 v.1 Temperature and heat, cap.22 v.1 The behavior of gases, cap.23 v.1 The electric field, cap.28 v.2 The magnetic field, cap.33 v.2 The principles of dynamics, newtons laws, cap.5 v.1 Thermodynamics ii, cap.26 v.1 Thermodynamics, cap.25 v.1 Vectors and coordinate frames, cap.3 v.1
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