Dunkerley, Roderic

Beyond the gosels - 170 páginas - Papel

Introduction - our quest, cap.1 other new testament evidence, cap.2 pagan evidence, cap.3 the witness of josephus, cap.4 the slavonic passages, cap.5 the evidence of the talmud, cap.6 early archaeological evidence, cap.7 the uncanonical sayings, cap.8 tests of genuineness, cap.9 early church writers, cap.10 defenders of the faith, cap.11 the apocryphal gospels, cap.12 the hebrew gospel, cap.13 miscellaneous sayings, cap.14 from gospel manuscripts, cap.15 from the sands of egypt, cap.16 some problem passages, cap.17 evidence from islam, cap.18 spurious evidence, cap.19 epilogue - the sum of the matter, cap.20

Biblia - nuevo testamento - evalngelios
Biblia - nuevo testamento - hebreos
Biblia - nuevo testamento - libros apocrifos
Vida cristiana

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