Principles of geomorphology
- 2a. ed.
- 594 páginas
- Papel
An analysis of the geomorphic processes, cap.3 Applied geomorphology, cap.22 Backgrounds of geomorphology, cap.1 Complications of the fluvial cycle, cap.6 Eolian land forms, cap.12 Geomorphology of coats, cap.17 Ice caps and their topographic effects, cap.16 Karst topography, cap.13 Lan forms resulting fron volcanism, cap.19 Mountain glaciation, cap.15 Paleogeomorphology, cap.21 Pseudovolcanic features, cap.20 Some fundamental concepts, cap.2 Stream deposition, cap.7 The arid cycle, cap.11 The fluvial geomorphic cycle, cap.6 The peneplain concept, cap.8 Topography of the ocean floors, cap.18 Topography on domal and folded structures, cap.9 Topography upon faulted structures, cap.10 Types and characteristics of glaciers, cap.14 Weathering, soil processes and mass-wasting, cap.4