Levitt, Jacob
Introduction to plant physiology
- 304 páginas
- Papel
Absorption, cap.8 Acidity, cap.3 Ascent of sap, cap.9 Basic principles of plant physiology, cap.1 Colloids, cap.5 Development, cap.20 Diffusion and osmosis, cap.6 Exchange of gases, cap.11 Growth regulators, cap.19 Growth, cap.17 Irriability and movement, cap.18 Laws of plant physiology, cap.23 Metabolism, cap.13 Nutrition, cap.13 Other metabolic paths, cap.16 Permeability, cap.7 Photosynthesis, cap.15 Plant rhythms, cap.21 Respiration, cap.14 Specific surface and adsorption, cap.4 Stress resistance, cap.22 The living cell, cap.2 Translocation of solutes, cap.10
Fisiologia vegetal
Plantas - analisis quimico
581.1 / L394I