Guss, Samuel B.

Management and diseases of dairy goats - 222 páginas - Papel

Anesthesia and surgery,cap.12 Chemical poisoning, cap.14 Contagious and infectious diseases, cap.7 Dairy goat resources,c ap.16 Diseases of kids, cap.8 Environment and physiological data, cap.2 External parasites and their control, cap.10 Internal parasite control, cap.9 Management, cap.3 Metabolic diseases, cap.6 Nutritional deficiency diseases, cap.5 Poisonous plants, cap.13 Quality milk production, cap.4 Reproduction, cap.11 Routine herd health program for dairy goat herds in mid atlantic states of the u. s., cap.15 The united states dairy goat industry, cap.1


Cabras - alimentos y alimentacion
Cabras - cria y manejo

599.735 / G87M