Supply chain network design Applying optimization and analytics to the global supply chain
- 301 páginas
The value of supply chain network design, cap.1 Intuition building with center or gravity models, cap.2 Locating facilities using a distance-based approach, cap.3 Alternative service levels and sensitivity analysis, cap.4 Adding capacity to the model, cap.5 Adding outbound transportation to the model, cap.6 Introducing facility fixed and variable costs, cap.7 Baselines and optimal baselines, cap.8 Three-echelon supply chain modeling, cap.9 Adding multiple products and multisite production sourcing, cap.10 Multi-objective optimization, cap.11 The art modeling, cap.12 Data aggregation in network design, cap.13 Creating a group and running a project, cap.14 Case study: JMPS Chemicals case study, cap.15
Administracion de la produccion Cadena de suministro Logistica Modelacion matematica