Cellular and molecular immunology
- 7a. ed.
- 545 páginas
Properties and overview of immune responses, cap.1 Cells and tissues of the immune system, cap.2 Leukocyte migration into tissues, cap.3 Innate immunity, cap.4 Antibodies and antigens, cap.5 Major histocompatibility complex molecules and antigen presentation to T lymphocytes, cap.6 Immune receptors and signal transduction, cap.7 Lymphocyte development and antigen receptor gene rearrangement, cap.8 Activation of T lymphocites, cap.9 Effector mechanisms of cell-mediated immunity, cap.10 B cell activation and antibody production, cap.11 Effector mechanisms of humoral immunity, cap.12 Regional immunity: Specialized immune responses in epithelial and immune privileges tissues, cap.13 Immunologic tolerance and autoimmunity, cap.14 Immnunity to microbes, cap.15 Transplantation immunology, cap.16 Immunity to tumors, cap.17 Hypersensitivity disorders, cap.18 IgE-Dependent immune responses and allergic disease, cap.19 Congenital and acquired immunideficiencies, cap.20
Antigenos--Inmunologia Foramcion de anticuerpos--Inmunologia Inmunidad celular Inmunologia molecular Sistema inmunologico--Enfermedades